Any Experience with


Hey Everyone, was looking to see if anyone had any personal experience with purchasing fish from one of our sponsors..... They have some decent prices and was looking to pick up a couple pairs of juvenile clowns. The B+W (Darwin) Ocellaris are cheaper even with the shipping compared to my LFS. And don't know of any breeders on BRS.

Just want to see if there are any suggestions out there, never purchased from them before.... Nothing mail order for that matter. Or should I shell out the extra few bucks and buy local.

Thanks guys
Admittedly, I haven't ordered in the last year but I've had a great experience with them in the past. Good customer service. Prices are reasonable since the shipping (for corals) can be UPS Ground as they are in Maine. I assume fish are shipped expedited. I won't weigh in on the buy local, online discussion!
I'm working with Greg to get an aquascape built by ceremeco (vidarock). Excellent CS! I have yet to place a coral order, but I will once I get the new scape in place. They have been awesome so far.

...stupid auto correct
There actually are a couple of members that do breed clowns... not sure if they are the variety that you are looking for.
I bought coral from them. They drop ship fish from another vendor so if you order coral and fish you have to pay seperate shipping charges.