Any freshwater planted tanks out there ??

The hardest one to get to color up was the red cabomba.

Red plants need iron to help bring the red out.
Some reineckii would help compliment the green, red zones. If the monte carlo doesn't work out as many people don't do well with it, dwarf sag, trimmed low can accommodate the lawn look as well.

At the moment I run a mr aqua 12g for nano fish
< anubias petite, crypts maine collected granite type stone & river slate >, and 7g Fluval EBI as a shrimp tank with dragon stone, ADA 60p as a dutch style with amanos, and scarlet badis, a unbranded shallow 17g as a cat drinking pond that grows my xmas moss and soon a shrimp colony < 30lbs of sieryu stone > a 110g future discus tank [ no discus yet ] lightly planted, probably become a dim lit sword, Echinodor plant and buce tank with 120lbs of seiryu stone, and hopefully a show piece manzanita or XXL bonsai driftwood setup. 29g, and 20g mixed plants, usually where trimmings go before they get given away.

All have eco complete as substrate. My personal preference. Some of it mixed with black petco sand. I don't co2 and rarely dose flourish, 50% water changes. Not a fan of excell either. Nasty stuff.

I still use CFL 6.5k spectrum bulbs, Phillips daylight spectrum t5 bulbs. I do run a older fluval planted LED presently over the 110g with a rare 3 bulb t5 fixture. Unless your running co2 I'm not the biggest fan of LED over planted tanks. Personal preference.

Hoping to setup a 400>600 South American Geophagus biotope this summer. Dying to do a shell dwellers tank this year, and work on a kilifish breeding at some point.
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Red plants need iron to help bring the red out.
Some reineckii would help compliment the green, red zones. If the monte carlo doesn't work out as many people don't do well with it, dwarf sag, trimmed low can accommodate the lawn look as well.

At the moment I run a mr aqua 12g for nano fish
< anubias petite, crypts maine collected granite type stone & river slate >, and 7g Fluval EBI as a shrimp tank with dragon stone, ADA 60p as a dutch style with amanos, and scarlet badis, a unbranded shallow 17g as a cat drinking pond that grows my xmas moss and soon a shrimp colony < 30lbs of sieryu stone > a 110g future discus tank [ no discus yet ] lightly planted, probably become a dim lit sword, Echinodor plant and buce tank with 120lbs of seiryu stone, and hopefully a show piece manzanita or XXL bonsai driftwood setup. 29g, and 20g mixed plants, usually where trimmings go before they get given away.

All have eco complete as substrate. My personal preference. Some of it mixed with black petco sand. I don't co2 and rarely dose flourish, 50% water changes. Not a fan of excell either. Nasty stuff.

I still use CFL 6.5k spectrum bulbs, Phillips daylight spectrum t5 bulbs. I do run a older fluval planted LED presently over the 110g with a rare 3 bulb t5 fixture. Unless your running co2 I'm not the biggest fan of LED over planted tanks. Personal preference.

Hoping to setup a 400>600 South American Geophagus biotope this summer. Dying to do a shell dwellers tank this year, and work on a kilifish breeding at some point.
I got reineckii in there in the front left. I got it from petco so it was mostly dead and covered in algae. Its coloring up now and starting to grow. I agree with iron for reds but it depends on the plant. That cabomba needs a lot of co2 and high light. If not it'll turn brown and just grow algae. Its one of the more difficult plants for some strange reason. Atleast in my tank
12g Mr aqua

I know what you mean about tanks
I got 5 going right now
Thinking of a 40b crypt tank now or a 40b buck tank lol
Here’s the same tank 2.5 months later
Agreed, low tech planted are the way to go in my opinion. Much less maintenance.
Its a little more work than a reef tank but not by much. It just takes alot more trimming and 50 percent water changes because of the ei method i use. The hardest part is the balance of lights, ferts and co2
That is my 55 low tech planted South American community. Eheim canister, led finnex planted light and fluval planted strips. Cover glasses, powerhead, heater black Seachem Fluorite. Weekly 20 gallon RODI water changes with RO right, carbon replaced monthly, Seachem flourish once weekly. Tank has a Discus, pair of Rams, 20+ Cardinals, 16 Emperor Tetra (keerei), 9 Rummy Nose, 1 male green phantom plecostomus, 1 bronze Cory, 2 C. haroldschwartzi, pair of banjo cats, and 5 Oto cats.
I prune out a 5 gallon bucket of plants every two weeks. Packed bucket! Low tech no CO2.
He is great! I was nervous. My first one. Got at Nano Tank in New Bedford from Scott Peets great place great guy. It is captive bred from Puerto Rico. He got them in from a saltwater importer he shares space with that gets Caribbean species from PR. The Discus just found out he can eat RamsHorn snails. Oh boy, he might grow big!