Any LFS' in my area that sell FlatwormExit?


Saltwater OCD Victim
You guessed it, I have flatworms. I saw them last month and there was no more than a dozen at a time and it'd come on go, but today I turned on my lights only to find 30-40 of them on my front glass grouped near each other.

Guess I shouldn't of listened when people told me before that it was fine and not to worry, cuz now it's become worse.

Never the less...

In search of some flatworm Exit. Any LFS have it? Maybe someone on here has some leftover I can buy off them?

I refuse to put a sixline in my 29g as that'd be a nightmare. I heard about a nudibranch eating them, but meh, i'd rather go chemical and do it the quick and fast way I know works.

Just figured i'd ask around here before dropping the $24 to buy it online.