Anyone keeping really high Alk?


I noticed in a link Moe posted that one recommended range for alkalinity is from 3-6 meq/L (7-16 dKH). I had never seen recommendations above about 4.5, so I'm now wondering if any of you keep your tanks in the high end of that range, like over 5meq/L.

I keep mine at about 4, and I thought that was highish, but maybe I'm just old-fashioned. :)

I was always in the 7-10 dkh range. Trying to stay around 9 but now I am interested to see what others are doing. As this seems to be on the low side of the chart.
I noticed that as well but never heard of anyone going over 14 and usually that is by mistake. I try to keep mine at around 10-11
My alk got too high for a while, and my corals really bleached.
Since lowering it, the colors/polyp ext are much better.
Piscevore said:
My alk got too high for a while, and my corals really bleached.
Since lowering it, the colors/polyp ext are much better.

How high? And did it get there gradually or all of a sudden?
