Aquarium plants co2 regulator


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BRS Member
The regulator I currently have is acting weird, won't keep a steady output level for some reason. Thinking of upgrading to one of the aquarium plants auto co2 regulators. Everything I read about them is positive. Anyone have any first hand experience with them or think there's a better option out there?
I have it but I personally don't think it make a big difference. But that just me. I have an aqaumedic regulator which is very good.
The pressure inside the reactor also make an impact of steady output.
I had a Milwaukee, died in 6 months.
Upgraded to the AQ Plants and haven't touched it in 2yrs!!
Like everything else in this hobby, you get what you pay for (mostly).
I was having issues with my reactor as well even with the AP regulator . so I got a Masterflex pump to feed the reactor and put it back on a controller Reefkeeper , has made all the difference in the world. I can now find and hold a set parameter making things much more stable .I don't know why I waited so long to do this . guess I thought , ehhh just another piece of equipment to run and maintain .
Agreed on masterflex. I run two of them for my two systems. Without them I could not get effluent consistent. Now if I'm off from my parameters measure, press a button on masterflex and change the effluent rate. Coupled with a controller to set range of reactor ph and your good to go.

But.... This does not mean that a cheap regulator will suffice. Even with the peristaltic and controller you need a good regulator to keep bubble count in check; the mflex and controller can make up for a less than perfect regulator though. Ideally the solenoid is not popping on/off dictated by the controller and your range of pH setting in the reactor. It is preferable to have the solenoid always on- hence the need for the good regulator despite the safety of the masterflex and controller

And yes before junking the regulator be sure the pressure in the reactor is not compromised in any way

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Pro or gro series Jeff? Those stainless ones look sweet but wow big bucks
After reading a bit, the pro isn't much more $

Yea the stainless steel ones are really nice. If its the guy who I think it is building these, he is really a master, some of them are really nice. With this quality I say you can get use the Gro with confidence! 3 year warranty!
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Thanks, Im gonna order one on pay day, I have an older way less expensive type, hope it solves my issue
Sorry, I was out on Vaca. I'm using the aquarium plant regulator on my calcium reactor and it would be the only thing I run for a ca reactor CO2 regulator. You can mess with valve and count the bubbles on valved regulator but the dial on the aquarium plant is very accurate and it keeps the delivery very well. I have used a Milwaukee(POS) and an Aquamedic which is very good but the aquarium plant is definitely one of my best purchase.
So now I'm torn, the bible count dial on the aqplant is pretty cool but the gla is pretty high quality
My tank was filled a few weeks back and completely emptied on me, all I can figure is the reg is out of whack
It's an azoo regulator, think it was less than $100
I don't mind spending the coin just want to make sure I'm getting something that's gonna work and last
I can't find anything bad about either one I'm considering
Sometime the O-Ring between the regulator and the tank can be slightly off and cause a leak. I always check the for leaks with a smoke pen to ensure that there's no CO2 leaking anywhere in the system.

Here's my Ca-Reactor set up. I use a Masterflex peristaltic pump(Expensive as hell when new. I got mine from Greg H.) as a feeding pump. This pump also set the effluent rate of the reactor. Since it uses 1/4" line, I snaked the lines down the basement and have the reactor in the basement. As we all know, first time setting a ca reactor is a PITA and there will be water on the floor.

I agree but mines been set up for years, maybe it is the o ring maybe I'll try again w a new tank of gas and new ring. Much cheaper than the regulator
You can also use the cheaper method of checking for gas leak. A water sprayer bottle with soapy water. It can get very messy and you have to wipe it down. I would try another CO2 bottle and check for leaks before changing out anything in the CA Reactor system.
Gonna get a new bottle tomorrow and use the soapy water method, it's in the basement so no worries about a mess
Thanks guys
I messed around with the cheap regulators when I first got my CO2 reactor and they both (Milwaukee) died in less than a year. Bought the aquarium plants carbon doser and have never looked back. Have had it for a year and half and had zero issues. Easily one of the best purchases I have made.
Swapped tanks and got a pack of o rings, so far so good, been two days, keeping my fingers crossed but still thinking aq plants regulator eventually. Anyone have one they want to part with?
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