aquarium software


Looking for software I can download to my computer for logs on the tank. Maintence equipment excedra.. any recomendations
any suggestions appreciated
I have one, i downloaded at work....If someone hasn't posted it by then I'll get it to ya in the morning.

For linux people and possibly OS X:

I've installed it and have it running (very little data at the moment) up on my web site (linux host). I'm really not much of a PHP/SQL person at all but I managed to get it working after getting over some stupid mistakes on my part. You can see it at (I threw in some sample data - but it's really sparce at the moment. I think I'll start using it for real though)

Mac Users : Accessing it is completely web driven. So it might just be a matter fo finding a host. But I'm curious and also downloaded tanklogger to my Mac and will experiment a bit. Just haven't tried to install it locally, but in theory it ought to work fine under MacOSX since it's FreeBSD unix. If you have loaded the developer tools from the OSX Install CD then you may already have apache, PHP, and mysql installed and not know it. I'll try to poke at it a bit to see if I can get a local version running on a Mac. More for curiosity sake.

My external hosting provider costs all of $15/year ( so to me it's worth it just to keep it up there.

ON the other hand.... that Macquarium software does look pretty slick too! Will check that out. TankLogger is a definitely rougher around the edges but it's main advantage is getting at it from the web.
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macaquarium looks great wish I had a mac. Reefcon is nice also I am going with that for now