ATO float switches sticking


I have a Reef Fanatics ATO.

It uses 2 float switches - 1 as primary and 2nd as backup. My research shows that you are to clean them every few months. How are people cleaning them? I fear if I take them fully part they will break over time. The little plastic clips seem to harden up and look brittle. I dipped them in 50/50 water vinegar solution and used my finger nail on the shaft portion to scrap off the carbonate, but they seem to still stick. I also have no interest in cleaning this once a month. How about a solution where I only need to clean it once a year?

Second, any idea to modify them to work better? Spray something on the shaft? I was thinking of adding more floatation to them. Maybe glue something floaty on the bottom / sides to increase the buoyancy pressure. I don't know if I can replace the float switch with something else - not sure how that works with the controller. One would think it would be a simple on/off single, but I don't know.

I have them positioned so that if the ATO pumps my entire reserve, it won't flood beyond the sump and stand. All the same, it is still annoying when it sticks.
I just soak mine in straight vinegar for a half hour or so. All the deposits dissolve in that time. Been using the same ones for over three years now.

There is nothing special about these. Replacements are cheap:

The little clips on the bottom do get brittle over time. Have broken a couple over the years and replaced the clips a fat o-ring. 1/4" id 1/2" od, if I remember correctly.