Blue Spotted Jawfish


Just got one last night and so far he is doing well, made a burrow already and has started to eat a little bit. I do know to make sure the lid is on because they like to carpet surf.

I wondering if anyone has any advice for ideas to help him be better off. Should I add some little rumble or shells? I heard they like to move things near there borrow.
Anything would be helpful.

Thanks Chad

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My best advise is to not stress when he starts burrowing in the tank. Mine made a mess for a week or so and then settled down. He likes to line his hole with empty snail shells and other dead things from the substrate. He uses them to cover his hole at night. Make sure your live rock is on the glass or you could have a crash. Get fish ...lots of personality.
Yea mine has been a great addition to my tank. He hasn't decorated his house, but it ia under my colony of AOG zoas, so its already nice!

Only time I've ever seen aggression out of him is when my female clown decides to see what's in his home, then he comes out with a vengeance :)


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He made is home under a piece of live rock and it did tip over some, but it is a small piece, size of a baseball. The sand he took out, he piled it up in a mound, can I take that sand and spread it around the tank, is that ok? Also should I leave that piece of lr alone or stand it back up and make sure it is more secure?

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Just leave it. No matter what you do, he will continue to build the way he likes it. If he wanted to flatten it he would have flattened it. You will get frustrated trying to clean up after him :)
Just leave it. No matter what you do, he will continue to build the way he likes it. If he wanted to flatten it he would have flattened it. You will get frustrated trying to clean up after him :)

I did flatten the mound of sand and he has not made another one, it was only from the sand he was taking out to make his burrow. I put a little piece of rumble rock near his burrow and he took it inside. Should I get little pieces of rock or shells for him?

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With mine i found the best thing to do is just let him dig to his hearts content....then when all the dust and sand settles if anything has gotten burried just brush it off. You will never have a nice uniform sandbed again but thats a small price to pay for such an active and personable fish. Also make sure your there is absolutly no openings in the surface cuz it will jump, Mine slams into the netting that covers my tank almost everynight.
My lid is tight, I did make sure of that. I did get some rubble and will put it near is burrow.

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Mine burrowed under every piece of rock I had until he found his happy place(s). Had two homes he would go back and forth. My guy never made it very long though. Make sure he is spot fed or you otherwise have thing in the tank it can access at will. Fairly certain I starved him. Bought a fancy fish too early in my learning.
I have a had a tank for many years, just never went into Jawfish before. He is eating, been feeding him mysis and brine shrimp. One thing I did read is that it is best to have the Jawfish be the first fish on the tank if possible.

Thanks for the link.

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