????boston area tank tour???

Sorry guys, I neglect this thread for one day and ya'll come out of the woodwork;) I'm at work now, but will happily compile the current info and tour status and post later or tomorrow. We may be nearing double digits (probably past if you include significant others and other people who we can't leave behind)!
The Official List!!!

So here’s what we have so far. The list will be comprised of everyone and not exclude “tag-alongs.” I’m doing it this way for now because everyone seems to be willing to show their tank, but some determinations will have to wait till the tour is mapped out. If a number of tanks are concentrated in one semi-far area, for example, the group might find it worth trekking.

Also, Ray had a fantastic idea (something that I believe he said has been done before) that we should contact the LFS closest to our ending point and get them involved—we may be able to work out deals for the group to cap of the trip!

Signed on: For now, I will provide SN, Location, and Tank info if provided

--Lori (Haven’t spoken with her very recently, but assuming she’s still interested)—Brookline—Just consolidated to a 75 mixed (I think)

--Me (Jordan)—Boston/Brookline border—40 breeder mixed, closed system w/ HOB fuge

--Puffer21—Nashua, NH (Most likely, along for the ride)

--Sean Irwin—Cambridge—25 aquapod, lagoon, w/ HOB fuge

--crb—Somerville—120 mixed

--yukyuklee—unsure of exact location—12 nano, zoo garden (hehe)

--Ray—15-20 min. north of Boston—180 mixed

--Jennifer—Peabody/Salem border—72 bow mixed; 70 aggressive fowlr + anemones; 46 aggressive fowlr; and much, much more!

--[Ray, you implied that Chuck’s 300, Greg’s 400, and Denvigs’ 110 might be available, among others. I have not heard from them, but if this many others in your area would like to participate, I do believe the tanks are well worth seeing. Let me know.]

I posted what I have. If information is missing or inaccurate, I apologize. Feel free to edit or repost with additions/corrections. I will wait one or two more weeks, and then plan the tour. We will probably end up doing one of the weekends in July, or late in June at the earliest.

Thanks for all the help and interest,
I know they have been involved in past tank tours and they are all in the North Shore within 10-15 mins south of me.
So that puts us in the area of 10-15. I'm wondering if there should be a cap. I say the more the merrier. But I can't vouch because we need to worry about rides. If you're on the list, think about whether or not you would will be willing to drive/carpool.
Sounds good so far. Should we start south (brookline area) and go north ending near Ray's or my house? Or vice versa, or has anyone further north or south of those listed signed up? If we end south then maybe skiptons is a good lfs to stop at. If we end north then We could do Sea CReatures in Revere Ma, tho they are not into BRS discounts. I would say go a tad farther north and end at Jay's Aquatic or Aqua Addicts.
Just thinking out load what do you all want/think.
I am def up for the carpool thing.
Also if I have addresses of those that want to show their tanks I can plot out a route on my Gps and find out how much driving time is needed between stops.
Hey Lori! Still working on the date. I want to wait another week to make sure we have everyone who wants in--I know there are tons of people in the area.

Jennifer, great idea on the gps. Time frames and routes will be a tremendous help:) I have some, not all, of the addresses and decided not post them for privacy reasons. I'll get with you on that. Oh, and for some reason I still can't find those thermometers, hehe. Haven't forgotten about it though. As "spring' cleaning rolls on, I'm sure they will surface. Had I not thrown a couple out, I might have had enough for goody bags during the tour;)
Tour Stop

Hey Lori! Still working on the date. I want to wait another week to make sure we have everyone who wants in--I know there are tons of people in the area.

I would like to volunteer my house as a stop on the tour! I am in Saugus and pretty much on the way from Boston to Ray's or Jennifer's. :.
tank tour

i originally started this thread and student for life was getting it going but has disappeared would love to revive it
whose in

lori brookline mass

add yourself to the list and we'll see how many stops
i will be moving to cambridge soon! If this happens in feb or so, my tank will probably be ready to go but not before then. I would love to get to meet some reefers in the area. I will be new to the area...