Can I keep a clam in my tank?


Was interested in buying one from a brs member but wanted some opinions first since Im still learning alot in this hobby. Just wondering if Im able to keep a clam in my tank. I have a 40 breeder with two T5 bulbs, one actinic, one 10000K. I have growth from just about everyhing thats in my tank now; caps, shrooms, frogspawn, alveopora, zoos, etc. Whats everyone thinK? TIA
You can do deresa or squamosa but crocea and maxima is a little ehhh...unless you can place them high. The 40gal breeder is pretty shallow, isn't it?
Yes it is shallow, i believe 16". Would that still not be good enough? Can you place clams on rockwork?
You're cutting it close with the Crocea and T5's, but if you got them up to about 10" from the 10K T5, you might be o.k. Consider that most of the Trinacdid clams rely upon the symbiotic relationship with the organisms they host even for their daily nutritional requirements, never mind growth. Many of them can't even generate the energy they need from filter feeding any more.
I wouldn't put a Crocea under that lighting. I'm going to be running 4 T5 bulbs on my new tank and may be getting rid of my maxima if I can't get it to stay in a higher spot.
OK much as I want to try a clam I guess Ill just have to wait on it. It seems it would be a strugle keeping it alive. Thanks for all the responses!
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