Can Ick be carryover through LR?


Bought some Live rock from someone that had Ick in their tank. Now I'm having an ick outbreak in my tank. Is it possible that the live rock had ick in it?
If the other persons tank was treated and had no sighns of outbreak for more than 4-6 weeks there should be no ick on the rock but if he was still treating it then there is a chance it hitch hicked on the rock into your tank.
To my knowledge LR doesn't carry ich, I'm pretty sure it's a sand bed beastie. Have you bought a fish recently that may have had it and you didn't notice? Sorry to hear that....

Really on LR??? Thought they bred in the sand.....
They just fall off of the fish to incubate but they don`t swim,they move around in the current in your tank wich will also throw them into the live rock.
Live rock could potentially host some ick. Much more likely however, many times I have seen a tang or an angel develop a nasty case of ick, even though it looked completely fine at purchase time, and no fish in the tank have ick. I attribute this to in-bag stress time. For that matter, it could be because your whole tank got shaken up by a recent aquascaping. Some sensitive fish can develop ick if they simply are being fed enough. So long as -all- your other fish are not showing signs of ick, worry not. Don't take the poor bugger and dose the hell out of him with copper or something, it'll probably do the fish in. I'd recommend feeding some garlic and making sure things are OK, or if you are really worried (and have a large enough fuge) toss em in there. You weren't too specific about the type of fish, or for that matter, if it was really even ick.
Anthony Calfo told me that "anything wet" can potentially carry Disease that will effect corals or fish.. He also said that a coral could carry a fish bourne disease and a fish could carry a coral bourne disease..
It was a hippo tang that have the ick. All of the fishes were already there when the LR was introduced so the in-bag theory is out the dơơr.
As I understand the ick life cycle, the little buggers munch flesh, multiply, then drop cysts off the fish, which sit in the sand or rock or wherever they land for about a week or two, and then they climb back on your fish and start munching again.

So any object taken out of a tank with an active outbreak will expose your fish to ich. Healthy fish can ward off a little ick attack and won't get sick, but if fish are stressed, or otherwise susceptible, they'll come down with an infection. Hippos seem to be particularly prone to ick. When I had one, he got sick while none of the other fish ever showed any signs of illness. I would feed garlic, and just watch, but in a day or two if it's getting worse, I would immediately treat your tank with Kick Ich. It's a totally reef safe treatment, and it will kill all the ich cysts and adults. I used it with total success and no damage to corals, fish or inverts.

I know this is late but...from what I understand, many tanks have ich in them unnoticed because healthy fish will fend it off. It may be that adding the new rock caused a small ammonia spike which stressed your fish enough to lower their immune system, no? Just a thought. I too have used garlic with some success though my new treatment program involves prevention through good quarantine and if that still doesn't do it I usually ignore the always goes away :).