Cerith snail eggs ever hatch?


Well-Known Member
BRS Member
Do they multiply in our systems?
I've even moved eggs down to the refugium and placed them in the chaeto.
Never seen any baby ones.:confused:
I often wondered this myself. Hope to hear if this heppens. I have seen some pretty small snails in my system and there always seems to be an ubandance of small snails but they dont seem to be babies
Maybe? My CUC #'s look the same as when I put them in. I see small snails all the time...just not sure which one's they are. I still have my 6 turbos that I put in years ago.
Maybe? My CUC #'s look the same as when I put them in. I see small snails all the time...just not sure which one's they are. I still have my 6 turbos that I put in years ago.

I have a margarita and a astrea that are probably the oldest snails one could even imagine.They don't even look like snails anymore from all the coralline and dusters and stuff that have encrusted on them.
I'm surprised because I thought margaritas died if the water got too warm.
My tanks been mid-80s in the summer before.
I have a ton of small snails, and I have always wondered what happened to them. Why dont they grow bigger? Well I have three that def are getting bigger. They have orange shells, and are about the size of a pencil eraser. I think I have a pic somewhere.
I have had cerith snails hatch in my system before. Takes a long time to even notice them. At first you can barely make out the shape of the shell.
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