cerith snails and blue leg hermits

I need to get my clean up crew in order by next week. If you want to do snail only that's fine. I will be placing a different order for other items to complete my crew. I just need to know what is happening here before I place my other order.

In short, I'm ok with snail only or canceling the whole order. I just need to know what's happening.
Is this guy in Florida by any chance? I have seen on RC lots of people in florida collect these snails and hermits on the beach and sell them for really cheap like this. they are very plentiful down there. Maybe the tides/weather have not been right or something.
I am not sure where he is from but after 2 weeks I asked for a refund and told him to let me know when he gets everything straightened out and we will try it again
Sorry but I am not sure when this will happen but I will start a new post and see who is still interested

My order is small, so I'm flexible with whatever mixed cleanup crew everyone else decides on. As long as they are alive.