Clean up crew packages, where do you buy?


I am looking to restock my 180 gallon mixed reef with a clean up crew after losing my trigger and trading in the Green birdwrasse pair and hawkfish I have maybe two hermit crabs and an urchin and am in desperate need of a good crew for my mixed reef.

I am looking to buy large clean up crew package of crabs and snails as well as a shrimp crew, I really miss the shrimp.

Tried reefs2go which seem to have the most extensive selections but after spending time reading and comparing all the descriptions and sitting there with a shopping cart of almost $300 with no way to pay, only option was gift card??? the site does say under construction so guessing that is the problem I gave up on them
Then I went to reef cleaners that has decent cleanup crews but no shrimps or other cool inverts and was hoping to keep shipping and the days I have to stay home to receive package down to 1.

Any other suggestions?????
I should add anyone around leominster breaking down a tank and looking to rehome their crew let me know.
I have good luck with them for cleanup crews.
I have about 100 snails I will be thinning out soon if you want some let me know free trocheus and red banded mostly
I was looking at billy hayes, he has good packages but his refund policy scares me a little, have you ordered from him? 50% or more loss seems excessive here is his refund policy

These CUC packages is NON-REFUNDABLE. Store credit will be given. Upon 50% or more loss, they will be reshipped. Please provide pictures of the DOA items no later than 2 hours of delivered to [email protected]
order has been placed with Billy's reef connection, one of the groups I follow on FB seem to point folks there an awful lot with only rave reviews and with a local endorsement figured it was worth trying.
His packages also seemed the most diverse and had shrimps that I could add on to the order for reasonable prices. My little drop of the ocean won't know what hit it when I add $200 worth of CUC. should be all sparkly and clean in no time.

I will update with the order, survival rate and delivery status once I receive them hopefully Friday.
For anyone following, received my CUC order from Billy's reef and although it was a bad experience I do not blame it on Billy's reef. The moment the box arrived my nose told me something was wrong if you know what I mean the stench was awful I did not want to touch anything in that delivery but I had to check it out. All the Shrimp survived and most of the hermits, snails the jury is still out but at least 50% made it except for all the chestnuts which had gone obviously rancid.

I did not know what to do so I contacted the email that notified me of my status's and Billy called me right back, I explained the stench and he said just scrap the whole thing and he would replace it all if that is what I wanted, I told him I would rinse off the bags and see what was good and bad minus the chestnuts that I was not touching. I did my best to float and acclimate all the critters to a separate tank that I setup with fresh SW water from my tank and watch for and pull anything that moved. in the end it was an acceptable amount of loss and Billy will be replacing all 20 of the chestnuts, I also lost three peppermint shrimp in the acclimation process that he said he would replace even though they arrived alive.

He called me and texted me throughout the afternoon and early evening to see how things were going and to explain what he thinks happened, the plane from Florida that was supposed to leave thursday eve was delayed and did not leave until the next morning (I saw the delays via UPS tracking as well), 85 degree weather in Florida and heat packs did in the more sensitive snails, arriving to 75 degree temp in New England did not help either.

Although not a great experience and turned into an afternoon of work for me the customer service and genuine concern will have me going back, I wish he had a better selection but he is new I think and guessing with success he will grow.
Banded Trochus are my favorites snails And I could use some if you want to throw some my way I would be happy to pay for them. They are kind of expensive in the LFS
I have about 100 snails I will be thinning out soon if you want some let me know free trocheus and red banded mostly
I've had very good luck with Reeftopia. No nonsense, good prices. They pick up the phone, too. I just posted in the for sale (critters) section. I have some more than I need at the moment.
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