Cleaning off old Silicone Question


I'm in the process of cleaning off old silicone from glass panels for a little project I'm doing.

Well was in HD looking at silicone, and noticed that there recommendations for clearing silicone was to use Mineral Spirits,

Was wondering if I used this to help clean the silicone off would it be safe to use for use in a tank.

Was planning on cleaning the glass well after using the Mineral Spirits. Just checking to see what you guys thought before I used this method.

I usually see alacohol reccomended, don't know about mineral spirits.

Are you re-doing the whole tank, or just going over the seam? If your redoing the tank, you probably want better silicone than you can get at HD...
I usually see alacohol reccomended, don't know about mineral spirits.

Are you re-doing the whole tank, or just going over the seam? If your redoing the tank, you probably want better silicone than you can get at HD...

I am actually, building a new tank, but using glass from an older tank. I will be starting a Thread soon to show what I'm doing.

I'm actually looking for that super strong Black food grade silicone that I have heard a few talk about, but no one has mentioned where they got it.
I just finished replacing a bottom on my sump and did
a lot of research. Acetone and steelwool after lots of razor
blades is the general consensus. GE silicone I is what is recommended
for the silicone. HD has it in clear maybe you can find black.
Good Luck!
