Cloudy Water/Livestock Dying/Corals Unhappy - Please help!


Keeping it Simple!
I am confused . . . for the past two days my water has been very cloudy. I have a missing Wrasse, my cleaner Shrimp & Feather Duster died and my corals are very unhappy. My water parameters are perfect and the water is not cloudy from particles. My skimmer is going crazy with micro bubbles overflowing the cup. I also notice that I have micro bubbles in my tank which is unusual. What is going on here?

Water Parameters:
Nitrite = 0
Ammonia = 0
High Range pH = 8.4
Nitrate = 0
Phosphate = 0
Carbonate Hardness (dKH) = 8
Calcium = 410
Salinity = 1.024
Magnesium (mg/Lt.)= 1.350
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did you check the skimmer to see if the pump is throwing micro bubbles put and the return pump is sucking them up.. And have you tried doing water change if the coral aren't happy try a big one maby 30 to 50 % whater change can you post some pictures of teh tank and sump so we can see what looks like
I did a 25 gallon water change today. I am planning another 25 gallons for tomorrow. This is a diagram of my sump/fug. No chance of the return pump sucking up micro bubbles.

Sump Fug Diagram 2 -.jpg
it sounds like something got blended by a powerhead, or you took a heat or other stressor. Any chance of a temp spike? Heater working?

I see a water change, lots of carbon, and wet skimming in your future.

Also, did something spawn? that could give you your cloudy issues too.
No temp spike . . . I have a Ronco controller and air conditioning. I have held at 80 degrees all summer. No spawning that I am aware of but, doesn't mean it did not happen. I am out of ideas.
kinda sounds like something died. you say the wrasse is missiing, how big? is there anything else missing?

either way, do water changes, run carbon. If youre tank is sealed up with lids and the sump in closed cabinet then try opening things up, running a fan, maybe an airstone for a day/two.
The Wrasse was about 3 inches. I have never run carbon. What does it do to the tank? What do I need to run carbon?