Coco Worm Emergency?


I have had a coco worm for about 3 weeks now. When it extends out of the tube it appears to have 2 feathery "heads". It has stayed inside it's tube for the last 3 days. (Based on the 1st 2.5 weeks, this seemed odd.) I tried to feed it cyclopeze last night. Tonight, to my horror, I saw an inch long piece to the feathery worm part on the sand near the tube! Inside the tube, there it more "feathery worm". Were there 2 worms inside the tube? Why did one leave? Will it survive? What shout I do?
Here is a picture:
As I yunderstand it they can come out of their tubes and find a new home and build a new tube, but it is a pretty bad sign.
It may have dropped it's feathers. They do this, usually not a great sign. In some cases they abandon their tube if they do not like where it is & create a new tube.
But many simply regrow new "plumes" and are fine
I've had them drop there "heads" before. Usualy a sign of stress but I believe it can also be a sign of growth in the worm. There is only 1 worm and the 2 heads you see are really it's form of gills. I believe cyclopeeze is to large for the co co worm to filter feed on.
HI Silvio, just dont disturb it it should be fine my tube anemone has done that a few times in the past although not the same animal, but with tubing animals I believe if they are unhappy where they are they will come out of the tube and go elsewhere to build another tube mine always within a couple inches of where he left ( dont know why?)
PS that tang looks familiar? hows he doing?
Hi Dawn,

Hippo is doing great. Occasionally, he lets his tank mates get some food. Thanks for the advice.