Collect Fish in the Bahamas


Now with more baby
This just showed up in this months undercurrent (dive mag) and I thought some people here might be really interested. I hope it is ok to repost here, but I removed the contact info just in case. PM me if you want it.

Collect Fish in the Bahamas: The New England Aquarium needs divers to join their staff on a fish collecting expedition to Bimini from September 29th through October 8th 2006. They're collecting specimens for their giant ocean tank. The trip is open to beginners and experienced divers, and you'll dive with and learn from Aquarium professionals. The cost is $3,278 for accommodations aboard the R/V Coral Reef II (meals, lodging, cocktails), up to five dives per day, and a rare opportunity to dive in the Aquarium's 200,000 gallon Caribbean reef exhibit. (Since you're volunteering for a nonprofit organization, the costs are tax deductible, says our accountant). Call xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow, that sounds like an amazing opportunity. I hope someone from the club does this so we can hear all about it!
I helped them out with the Spring version of this trip, it's a real blast if anyone is thinking of going!
Could probably scrape together the money. I just wish I had the time......:(

Sounds like it would be a blast. 5 dives a'd be constantly narc'd out. :) My dive computer would be pitching fits ;)
hey! I wanna go.
If I can get out of school and somehow get $3,278, id be all set to go!

wow, I really want to go too, I have always wanted to go diving!
I think the trip sounds incredible! What a great opportunity!

I'm trying to tempt my son (fanagle) with scuba certification classes. He won't bite - stubborn little critter!
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
