Coral Life Super Skimmer 65 Gallon Max


Does Any Body Know About This Skimmer I Purchased One And It Seems
That I Had To Jack It 1 Inch And Half In Order To Have Good Skimate
And Its A Hang On Or Sump
super skimmer 65

I have one on my 55 gallon tank that seems to work good so far,it hangs on the back of my tank.Only problem I have had with it was the initial set up but once I figired out what was going on it has been working great.
I was having the same problem,I took a piece of masking tape and covered half of the hole in the skimmer cup lid and adjusted the bubble level with the air adjustment knob so that the micro bubbles are at the very bottom edge of the cup and just left it alone.
Now I have to empty the cup once every 7 to 10 days because it is 3/4 full of a heavy dark brown,SMELLY skim.Man does it stink!
to make it skim better i connected a variable air pump and at the end i put limewood air stone i put it in the skimmr it works
never adjusted well, too inconsistent, microbubble issues = on shelf.

when it skimmed, it did skim well
After initial break in your suppose to open the intake valve just above the pump all the way,the problem I had was that when I did this it would flood the collection cup with water right away even with the red air valve closed.
By accident I found that when I partially covered the hole on the collection cup that the water level went down and it would start skimming properly.
After running it this way for about a week I decided to pull the tape off the hole and it has worked fine ever since.
That hole works like a vent,if you totally block it off it will not allow bubbles to travel up the skimmer collection tube,if you partially block it (after break in,assuming you are having troubles with the cup flooding) it will slow the bubbles down and lower the water level allowing the micro bubbles to expel the waste into the larger bubbles that will travel to the top of the cup and run down into the cup after they have popped at the top.
This is my understanding ,but then again I am just a newbie and it is now working great.
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