current USA fixture / PC light question


two questionsshidden in here...

FIRST: is it true that in a dual actinic (460nm & 420nm) that one side should not appear illuminated?

my 24" light arrived and the bulbs were intact but had stuff rattling around in them. the dual daylight was toast, so i'm getting another sent for free, but the actinic only lights up on one side. they told me on the phone that one side is not visible. i sorta think this is hooey because of my other current usa that has the same bulb in it and i thought i could see both sides illuminated, maybe i have exception vision. (i'm at work so i'll check when i get home).

what is strange to me is i have a 20" current usa with two LED moon lights and the moon lights are not too bright. this new one has two LED moon lights and they are *super* bright. i turned the LEDs off because they were keeping my zoanthids open! i think i'll put those on a timer.

previously on the tank that the 24 inch light is going on i had two PC fixtures with two PC bulbs in each...for a total of 144 watts (36 x 2 actinic, 32 x 2 daylight). half of the new 65W actinic is much brighter than the previous dual 36W actinics combined. seems odd to me.

SECOND: would it make sense that 65 watts appears brighter than 72 watts?
i'm not sure how or if watts correlates to lumens, but i was surprised at how much light this new fixture throws.
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