Do you rinse frozen food/fish goo before feeding?

For the fish goo: No.
We know what went in there. There aren't any fillers. It's all food.

For frozen food: sometimes. To rinse off the water (ice) they pack with the food. I've read in Calfo's book that the food is packed with a nutrient heavy solution. I don't want that ice melting in my tank if I can help it.
I'm with Moe,the blended food has all the tiny particles for coral food that would be lost if rinsed.Mysis etc definitely
If you don`t want nutrients in your tank,you should rinse frozen foods.But if it's a softie tank you would want some nutrients in the tank.
So you're saying that the small amount of "extras" in the mysis frozen cube is actually more nutrients than the shrimp itself? And isn't is good for filter feeders?
Armando, i belive the packing juice is high i nutrients but i am not sure from where they are derived, i have heard rumours of preservatives also, so i don't add them purely because i don't know what they are and am even less sure they will be consumed in my system.
Can anyone shed any light on exactly what this fluid is,it does'nt seem like only water?
You should rinse off any frozen shrimp or scallops. If they are from Canada you definatly need to rinse. In Canada they treat the shrimp and scallops so they hold more water therefore weighing more. It is illegal in the US but is acceptable up there.
I used to rinse - esp frozen mysis, because of the nutrient liquid stuff that is left behind when it defrosts and because I read somewhere to do so. However, maybe that is just for a freshwater tank or fish only. I've stopped rinsing due to laziness and thinking - hmm maybe their are tiny particules in that water that the filter feeders can use.