feeding advice


Division Champs
I got a dwarf lion fish today :p and the pet store/lfs fed it guppies.Is that O.K?what is the preferred food of choice/
I am going to try to feed silversides,mysis,krill....
I have read from a few sources that a feeding live food only is not good and you should try to get them on other foods. I always wondered about that as in the wild I think all they eat is live.

We use,
a combination of
Guppies, Tuffies, and grass shrimp
Guppies are good because they will live longer in salt water, Tuffies are cheap ~$.10
Grass shrimp should become available very soon at the bait stores
Once they are eating good on live you can try any of the above on a stick and eventually they will eat frozen or freeze dried right out of the water column.

I would never go 100% away from live because you can "gut load" them with vitamins other high nutrient foods or even meds if needed.
way back...I use to feed my dwarf lion tuffies. You can also feed black mollies because they can be acclimated to saltwater. I tried getting mine off live because it was a hassle...use to wave frozen krill and silversides while feeding live foods. After a while, started to take the frozen....real slow process until they trust you. Kool fish tho.