Feeding Question - 3-4 Weeks Until We Get New Fish


We have a 5 month old Biocube 14 gallon with a variety of softies, 3 hermits, and an emerald crab, 3-4 nas snails, a turbo, and 2 astrea snails.

We are waiting on fish due to our clown and gramma getting stressed out and dying a few weeks ago after co-habitating for 2.5 months.

In the time we wait - I've been feeding the tank once a week - just mysis shrimp to our Duncan and Candy Cane coral. This morning when I did it - from nowhere the emerald crab came out and was manic for food. Waving it's arms - etc. It was like a starved crazed animal.

So - I'm thinking 1 per week is not enough until we get fish - and perhaps I should be doing a little something something for the emerald crab...any ideas? :.