Fish recommendation


What fish would you recommend to go with these (from smallest to largest) in a 210g bare bottom mostly SPS tank:
Kole Tang
Tomini Tang
Sailfin Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Magnificent Fox Face

Thank you for your recommendations
ANY fairy wrasses since you have a BB
Dart fish
Are all pretty good options.
I would mix it up. Right now it seems like you have larger, or Open Water fish. I would personally add different shaped and sized fish as well as colors and patterns that live in different areas of the tank. Fish that live in the sand, amongst the rock work, etc. Take advantage of the huge variety of saltwater fish available. Good luck.
You could also go with wrasses that do like to sleep in the sand. Just make sure you have a good size cup of sand somewhere in the tank and it shouldn’t be a problem. Worked for me in the past.