Flame Angels and Orchid Dottybacks


I have been doing some research on fish that I plan on getting for my tank and I was wondering about past experiences on two types of fish. The Flame Angel and the Orchid Dottyback. I have a 55 gallon reef tank with a 20 gallon sump. My rock work has LOTS of caves and hiding places for fish to swim in and out of.

I would like to buy a mated pair of orchid dottybacks. I was wondering if anyone has ever spent the extra money to buy a mated pair or is it better just to buy 2 orchid dottybacks and they will become a mated pair on their own. Also what are some opinions on this fish and how much would a mated pair cost?

I would like a flame angel to be the show fish. Are flame angels good fish to have in a reef, are they hardy, are they sensitive to disease, and are they easy fish to keep. Also what are peoples opinions on the flame angel.

Sorry for the numerous posts of questions lately but I couldnt find any good information online that secured my decision on these 2 fish types. Thanks
Flame angels can be terrific aquarium fish. They typically are model citizens for at least the first few months. Once they get comfy, they can 1) start to pick at corals and 2) start to be aggressive towards other fish. Keeping them well fed can help with potential problem #1. Adding them last among the fish in your tank can help with #2. They are terrific fish, however, so many people are willing to take these risks. But they are not 100% reef-safe, just to warn you!

Orchid dottys can be quite aggressive if they are wild-caught. Best to go for the tank-BRED ones (such as the ones from ORA). I'm not sure orchids are easy to sex so buying two and praying may not be the best idea.

I've had both fish multiple times in my old 55 and you shouldn't have a problem. The angel might get a little aggressive but the Orchid can hold it's own without being a total bully in the tank. And +1 on buying a mated tank bred pair...
dottybacks are aggressive fish as a species, and my flame angels have been clam nippers. your mileage my vary
Alright thanks! I think im going to order a pair of dottybacks next week then. My fish store said they are tank bred too