Free Free Freshwater Fish


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BRS Member
I have 4 three inch discus that I don't have room for. They are common types, 2 red, a blue and a brown. I bred these but need the tank space. They are currently breathing faster than normal, I've treated them with prazi for 3-4 weeks with some improvement. I'm a freshwater breeder but this is my 1st time breeding discus. They need their own tank, 29gal a minimum, temp 82-85 F, and twice weekly water changes. They are eating fine (flake). After 2 years of raising up 6-8 batches of fry, I need a break!
I would not put these fish into a tank with other fish until their breathing slows. It could be that I haven't been aging the water and only doing weekly water changes.

I also have endlers livebearers, none of the other fish in my fish room have the discus symptoms
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