Reef Deal Free Purple Hornet


Friend from my seattle club sent me this link on how to get a free purple hornet. Basically you sign up on thier forum and post 25 times and make 1 thread and you qualify for a free purple hornet(you pay shipping and are put on a list).

Before people get into the politics about the site im not advocating the whole designer name craze nor do i really care what crazy name is attached to each coral I just thought i would pass this one on in case anyone else wanted to take advantage of their current offer.

Also if you do sign up mention me as the referal(not sure if this helps me but figure why not) thanks.
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Sounds like a cool idea although the wait list looks like its already over 100 people heh. Ill try it out but honestly I dont think I want another forum to add to my list
yeah the wait list is long i believe they said they started with 200 and will be sending them out in groups of 50 starting in april. Either way a little wait is worth it i figure. Adding another forum yeah thats the hard part. I feel like i already spend enough time on various reef forums but i guess its like fish tanks, Whats the harm in one more :)

Of course you can just do the minimum then stop. Which is what i think most people will do.
I signed up and thought about mentioning it here but didn't want to seem like I was fishing for referrals.
(10 referrals do get you a 2nd polyp)

it seems legit so far.
And they are continueing past originally stated 100. BrentB will let everyone know when the list is closed.
nice to know about the referrals. I just got added to the list a few days ago and even though its long i dont mind waiting a bit for a good deal. Also If you have multiple people from the same area they will combine the shipping if requeted so that makes it much cheaper too.
I made the list too. Thanks for the heads up on a great deal. Im in worcester if anyone else wants to combine shipping. Thanks again =)
I just sent my PM to be added to the list too. Oh, btw, I added you as a referral sagecx
thanks! also watch the premium section for giveaways. This weekend they did one where if you posted on the thread they would take 2 random people and send them a chalice from wet thumb frags. Only 50 posted this weeked so it was pretty decent odds for a chance at more nice coral frags.

When the list starts moving we should see who is all in the area so we can combine shipping.
You guys did read all that, didn't you?

You are going to get tapped $37 for shipping, and everyone that pays the $25 "premium membership fee" is going to leap over you on the shipping list.

You could be waiting a long time. Probably easier to find someone in the club and get a polyp from them.
Shipping is kind of assumed since there really isnt a cheap way to ship corals. To offset this they let people in the same area bundle shipping for + $2 per additional person. I already know a few people who plan on bundling in the area so the shipping price will drop significantly.

As for premium membership it is true paid members jump forward but really if i had to have a hornet now i would just pay the $60+ for one from the club. But here if i am a little patient i can have a hornet for $15 as per the current share of my shipping costs and possible less if theres more in the area that want to bundle shipping.

I figure it will be a month or 2 but if you read the whole thing you will have seen the pictures and info on them having over 500 polyps and begining the fragging process. The list is maybe in the 200s so it shouldnt be horrible. Besides in the end this hobby is all about patience. Personally i would hate to waste $60 on a polyp to see it melt, here i can take the risk for much less.

Either way if its not worth the time dont do it. I only linked this cause i was hoping this would bring in a few more PHs into the club.
Im in the area and on the list.. not sure where on the list lol... id be happy to split shipping
It shouldn't be bad. I was notified last week I'd be getting an invoice soon. I'm in the 3rd group of 50.
nope theyre pretty crazy right now. but i'm in the process of getting money in my paypal so they can send mine
front what i've read you just pay pal the admin minirex4777 the shipping costs and then pm him that you paid and tell him your address along with what day you want the hornets shipped
When you guys all get yours and eventually start fragging them out, want to put me in line for a cheap one polyp frag of it? I can't hold myself to pay $50 a polyp plus shipping at most places. But I could justify paying $35 or so for one polyp if anyone had one for that price. I have pink zoas that are harder to find than purple hornets but since there's no hype over them, they're not worth much of anything which I think isn't fair.