GFO use and Clam Stress


I am curious to hear from other people who use a phosphate removal media in tanks containing clams regarding their experiences. I typically use Phosguard in a canister filter on the system that has the majority of my SPS and clams and do not normally have a problem with it. However, whenever I try to switch to GFO I get a reaction in my largest T. crocea and he starts pinching in his mantle at one end. If I pull the GFO and switch back to Phosguard the mantle will return to normal within a few days. The last time I tried the GFO and left it in, the clam nearly retracted his entire mantle by the 5th day it was running. I have tried a few different brands and I rinse it well before use and it does not seem to bother other tank inhabitants. I am not sure how unique this experience is.

I was wondering if:

1) You use GFO with clams

2) How you use it- i.e. reactor, canister filter, passively in a bag in the sump

3) Have you ever had any negative reaction form your clam(s)

I appreciate your feedback!
1. yes
2. 3 and 1/2 cups in a reactor. for about 220 gallons of water changed every 6 weeks (when im on top of it sometimes as long as 8weeks)
3. none.
so i always have 1 clam and when they get to about 6-8 inches i usually sell them and get another. i have kept maxima, squomsa, and derasa. i have always ran gfo and have never seen an issue with them. currently i have a 6 inch or so derasa. i actually changed my gfo yesterday and see no issues
I maybe wrong, but IIRC reading (and experiencing in my system once) that adding a relatively large amount of GFO can somehow cause alk to dip. If that is true (?), then I can see a drop in alk potentially stressing clams (and just about anything else).
I appreciate all of the responses. I have heard that as well John, but checking my Alk and Ca is the first thing I do if I notice something stressing beyond what is normal and those levels were fine. It is still a mystery and I wonder if this particular clam is just hyper-sensitive. I have another T. crocea and two T. maxima in that tank that show no stress at all. Additionally, PE and color is unaffected on all my SPS. I was just curious if others had run into this type of thing with their clams. Hmmm.... Perhaps one day I will figure it out.
I have run a Magnum 350 Canister filter full of GFO for years and our clams are happy as.. (ahem) Clams? I rinse it out thoroughly by hand every two weeks in hot fresh water and reuse it. I just add a fresh 1/2 cup as needed to keep the container full.
I use both GFO and Phosban...and have noticed no issues...other than when I do not "activate" it first... I always run it on a bucket of tank water overnight before I move it to the avoid any drops in alk, or any other ionic imbalances it may cause upon initial running.
Just as a note...I have always preferred Phosban or ROWA over any other GFO I have used over the years....just a more consistent product for me.