Halide Light Schedule


Hi - I switched from LED to a halide/4 bulb T5 fixture.

Looking for T5 bulb combination recommendations and how long to run both light types.

I’d probably run the halide 4-6 hours and the t5’ For 8-12 hours
Colors are always a personal preference and also depends on what color your halide will be.
How many T5 bulbs?
Here's my set up in the order if you were to look at the lights
ATI Blue Plus
Geismann Super Actinic
ATI Blue Plus
Geismann Super Actinic

The T5s come on an hour before and turn off an hour after the halide. That makes 9 hours total for the T5 and 7 hours for the halides.
Adding longer duration does not make up for the lack of intensity.