Hammer and frog spawn price increase?


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
BRS Sponsor
BRS Member
Anyone notice that recently Hammer and frogspawn double or triple the price online and LFS?
Pectinia becomes a new fab?
That's why I bought from local reefers. I got my hammer 10 head for 45 and my green octopus/frogspawn 3 head for 45
Prices of corals in general seems to be rising -- I have seen the change in prices compared to last year from the wholesellers.

Few factors affecting this:

1) It seems that the "collectors" seem to collect the same type of corals in bulk, and then move on to the next one, and then the next, etc. So last year, the prices of euphyllia (hammers/frogspawn/torches) wasn't "too" bad (it was still more expensive than what you can purchase frogspawn/hammers for from local reefers). But now that the supply has somewhat exhausted, they're not available in as much abundance.

2) There are SO MANY wholesale places opening, and there's a lot more competition. Normally this would be good for the prices, but in this industry, the opposite seems to be happening. There's only so much supply, but more wholesellers are fighting for it; so the prices are going up. In turn, those spiked prices are passed down to the local retailers.

3) Retailers will sell for whatever the end-consumer is willing to pay. I have seen the so-called "yellow hammers", which are just super super bright green hammers (not true yellow) sell for $300/head. Do they really cost that much? Well ... we are selling them for $80/head ... so that says something :)

Those are the top 3 that come to mind.

In any case, it's fun to notice these small things and trends in the hobby ... great topic.
Good analysis Archit. Thanks for the information.
can u post a pic of the 'yellow' (super green) hammer?

and yes thanks for the info.................
np :)

Don't mean to "thread-jack" ( :p ), but here's the pic of the yellow hammer:


It's the right-most one in the container.
November? Do you have some insider information? Please share!
"Maintenance and asexual propagation of endangered corals in a nursery would not require a permit. Additional activities such as experiments, transfer, or outplanting of captive animals will require a permit. Import or export may be authorized under a permit only for research or enhancement purposes.

Selling, receiving, transporting, or shipping listed species in interstate or foreign commerce is prohibited, even if the specimens were legally held in captivity at the time of listing."

Looks like you can keep them only if you already have them before November. After that, you will stuck with them forever.
Frogspawn is on the "endangered proposal list" and will most likely be banned by November of this year

You are right, it is only frogspawn "could be" on the list, not hammer corals.
I went through the Pre-Application Guide, the result is:
•You are not required to have an ESA 10(a)(1)(A) permit solely to maintain endangered coral that has been in your possession prior to the listing date.