Help designing/building a stand for a 120


Finally enjoying my tank
I have had this tank up for alittle over a year. i went from an acrylic 75, to a 3/4in glass 120. The tank alone must weigh 4-5oolbs, and even though its been up for over a year I am getting nervous with it. It is in a house that is well over 100yrs old, and it is up against a load bearing wall. When I bought this tank it came with a stand, and I was going to build my own, but due to being lazy, and not having much time I never did. The stand is not going to fall, if it would it would have by now. What I am afraid of is lateral movement. When we had that small earthquake I didnt see any movement, but I might not have been in the room when it happened. When I shut down my pumps and the water is still I can see movement when someone walks heavy, i see the water move, and I dont like it. Does anyone else notice this with there tanks? I am looking to see if anyone has plans for a 4x2 tank stand? I have already talked to a fabricator, and he said if I had a drawing it would be easier to price. I want it raised higher, but right now I am just looking to get some plans. If anyone on here is a welder and wants to give me a price, shoot me a PM.

Thanks Derek
my best advice if you are worried about the floor moving would be to add some metal joist struts to the floor joists under the tank. I want to rip my floor up again and do the same, had to be ripped up the first time because my lil bro threw a baseball through my old 55. also high stand = tipsy tank if not level (remember houses settle)
We had to brace under the floor, when we got the 120. You could see the tank water bounce ( for lack of a better word) . It was for sure the floor not the tank stand.
The stand is solid, I am just afraid of the side to side movement. I cannot brace under it because I am on the second floor.
Improving the stand would help minimize the deflection but it won't solve the problem. It sounds like the floor is probably causing it. If you can't add to the floor structurally, relocating the tank over a support column or near the ends of the floor joists would probably be your best bet. A load bearing wall is generally a good spot for heavy stuff but there can be better locations depending on how everything was constructed.

You said the stand is pretty solid, chances are it's fine laterally. What kind of stand is it? Do you have any pictures?