Help me to choose a tank


Hello everyone,

I am not too happy with my 75 because it doesn't have alot of spaces. Anyway I was thinking of upgrading to a 120. If I were to Upgrade I have to choose between these two tanks and I just can't make the decision.

1) a regular RR 120 gallons from Marineland with dimension of 48"L x 24"W x 24"H with one corner overflow.
2) Order a RR 112 gallons tank from glass cages with dimension of 54"L x 24"W x 20"H with one corner overflow. I have a good space in my dinning room that only fit a 54" tank (still got couple inches to spare) or less.

The main concern that I have is safety. for some reason I am just afraid that the tank from glasscage won't hold up. I don't want all that water on my hardwood floor. My family would kill me if the tank breaks. What I like about the glasscages tank is that I can order it a bit longer and short so more room for my tangs to swim and save a bit of money on the light.

As for the Marineland, for some reasons in my mind I think it is stronger and safer. BUT it is only 48" long and that huge overflow I don't have much spaces left. I want a bit more length to keep two tangs.

Please let me know what you think or suggest.

Ah. Well I'll start of by being one of the people who owns a GC tank and like it. It looks great. You could do what I did and have them eurobrace it. Although for me that was so I could do whatever I wanted with the lighting. Also it's not that much more for the low-iron glass which made a nice difference on the front pane. The thing is built like a tank as far as I can tell. It's a 150 - 5ft x 2ft x 2ft.

This thread should get a nice balance of people who have GC tanks and like them and people who don't have GC tanks but have read some bad things about them. Not sure what it is about GC that get's people worked up. Hehe.
I've seen a few GC tanks and they all looked pretty decent. The big advantage in buying a GC tank, aside from the price, is negating hefty shipping charges. Meeting their truck during one of their show schedules, for a nominal fee IIRC, is essentially like having your tank delivered. You just have to meet their truck at a designated parking lot and your on your own from there.

As far as workmanship is concerned, I never noticed anything that looked horrible. I paid mode attention to tank inhabitants.

It's too bad we don't have a tank maker like Lee-Mar on the east coast. I hear their workmanship is solid and their prices are more than fair.
I have a euro-braced GC 4 foot 120g tank that I plan to make my new frag tank. I bought it used, workmanship looks FINE. It is one HEAVY unit though.....
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