I got the little S.O.B.!


Well, I think this is the second biggest in my tank. I think I still have one small one and one larger one. What a scary looking crab it is! It lost 2 of it's legs in battle. He put up quite the fight.
Hmm. They used to say that 8 walking legs meant it was okay.

What are ya gonna do w. the SOB?
I think he may take a trip to freezer land. I was thinking about putting him in the fuge, but my fuge is pretty small.
Can you take him to a LFS? Maybe someone would be interested...Mike at AA had one some time back I think. He's kind of scarey looking
Not quite as big as it looks in the picture. It's about 1.5" across. Jackie, not too many people would want this guy. It's a "Gorilla" crab. They come as hitchers on TBS rock and are very bad for reef tanks. From what I hear, they get pretty huge, and will eat anything and everything.
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