I not sure my clown is going to live long


That's Mr.Murphy to you!
My clowns have finally for the most part stopped fighting with each other too much. For a little while they were fighting all the time and the bigger one was being real aggressive. Now they host together and are fairly agreeable.

But...towards the end of their fighting it seemed the smaller one was wounded in the tail area. The wound seems to have healed pretty well, but there seems to be a problem. The clowns belly appears huge and bloated. He seems to be eating just fine and swimming with gusto.

Is there anything I can do?

Here is a picture, click to enlarge

Another pic from above - the clown in the bottom part of picture, click to enlarge.

I have adjusted my webcam to capture the clowns a bit more clearly. The username is brs and the password is webcam. The lights are on between Noon and 11, give or take a 5 or 10 mins. Here is a link to that:
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Hey, thats pretty cool having a webcam on your tank. I think I should set up one too.
The clowns will be fine, as long as it's eating well. They seem to be getting along just fine.
I remember when pairing my two maroon clown, it made me worry also.
i suggest you take him to a separate tank with low flow and good water quality and leave him alone there.

last year a sixline wrasse beat up my akindynos baby clown, i put him in another tank he laid down on a coral and stayed there for 2 days. i thought he was pretty much dead. But couple of days later he started recovering and a week after he was good again.
They don't beat each other up all that much at all now. I was more concerned about his bulging belly. The wound has been healing quickly and is nearly fully healed. But his belly has been growing as well.
Hehe...just looked at my cam and in the morning when the lights are off it kinda threw me for a loop. If you had a chance to look this morning before the lights came on, what you are seeing is the reflection of the two chairs BEHIND the camera not through the glass as it appears. :D