Initial Programming Intensity on the AI Sol Blue's

By the way, this show the "spotlight" of the AI. This is From Sanjay's Manhattan Reefs lighting website. You can see the drop in PAR @ 24" from the light. However, in my experience, even a 300PAR change, especially if blue light dominant (as our eyes don't see blue well) can be tough to "see" if you are not looking really carefully.
when you all set up the moon lights do you have the timer to come on immediately after your main timer fades out or do you give some time?
What I did was have my last fade of the main lighting go to the moonlights, so my last goes from say W40%,B45%,RB45% to W0%,B2%,RB0% over 120minutes.
at the last phase of your timers put the mooncycle in the "0n" option and set it at like 2% blue or royal or a combo of both. After the light dims out the mooncycle will run its coarse over the month at a peak intesity of 2%( if thats how u set it) and sometimes it will be totally dark cuz its replicating a normal moon cycle. So dont worry of its totally dark somenights thats how its supposed to be.
Even the green LED indicating the units have power is enough to light my tank in a "moon" sort of way on the New moon phase of the cycle so they are never truly "off" from my tank's perspective. That 36x36x24 diagram above is proportionally almost exact to what I got for par readings using the club's meter last year. My tank is the same dimensions. Based on my experience it is very accurate.
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