Just caught my Crosshatch Triggers doing the ballet!


As I sit here in front of my computer, trying to finish up my taxes, I hear the dreaded sound to any aquarium owner ...


I look around at my tank ... lights are dark blue, the sun is setting for the fish, and I keep hearing the SPLASH! SPLASH! SPLASH! Then my heart sinks ... water is literally flying out of the tank. I stop and wonder ... what the eff is going on???? Then all of the sudden, I see my pair of crosshatch doing the ballet! Swimming in circles, from left to right to top to bottom and all over again! I am jumping from excitement in my already run down chair ... was it the music I was listening to? Can't be! I had my headphones on! I stand up to run upstairs, to go wake up my wife and share the exciting news! But ... what if they stop humping each other by the time I wake her up and drag her to the tank?? So I whip out my ********ty new phone, take a crappy video under blue lights of them doing their joyous dance (to be uploaded later), and run upstairs to give the news to my beloved wife, who had very hesitantly allowed me to purchase this pair of my dream fish!

These guys have been in my tank for maybe 3-4 weeks? I haven't fed my fish live blackworms like I used to, as we are selling our house and I really don't have the time to deal with ordering, washing, etc etc the worms. BUT! For the first time ever, I did feed a live steamer to my fish yesterday! Many / all of you might be aware of the aphrodisiac properties of oysters ... I wonder if steamers have the same effect?? Did it really get my male crosshatch that excited with just 1 meal?? Or was it just something waiting to happen, and it was just a coincidence that I fed them the steamer yesterday?

Either way, this even most definitely made my night! Now time to research if anyone has successfully raised crosshatch trigger babies, and if so, how? :) If any fellow members have any info on raising crosshatch / trigger fry that'll def. be much appreciated as well! Not sure what / how much I can do with trying to keep the house clean with us selling it and all, but us hobbyists are known to be a little cray cray :p

- Archit
Watch out , as triggers become very aggressive in defending their young . They will likely lay the eggs on the sand and stand guard.
Thank you everyone! :) still haven't found any good info on breeding and raising them yet ... If anyone has any experience or information they can direct me to I'd bigly appreciate it!

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I keep checking this thread to see the video, cmon arch! Lol
Very cool tho!
As with most marine fish, the problem is finding something small enough to fit into their mouth upon hatch.
Thanks everyone! And thank you Joe for posting the link to the video! :)

I found 1 article that somewhat mentioned how to raise these buggers ... sadly seems like I won't be able to do it now because we're just not ready and trying to sell the house. However I'll definitely give it a whirl once we settle down again and I restart my tank -- was planning on having a friend hold these 2 for me anyway :p

Here's the article in-case anyone is wondering:
