Leaving the hobby


lol, I have a tank, sorta
Well, I think I may be leaving the hobby, or atleast taking a long break:(

Ever since I broke down my 55 gallon I have been gathering materials to construct my custom tank, but somewhere along the line, I lost the enthusiasm. I just do not have the same drive I used to. Also, I really dont have the money to set up this tank. I guess once I sell all of my equipment I wont be back for a while. Maybe I just need a break. It really hurts to have to sell my custom acrylic, but getting it set up just isnt going to happen.

Are you sure Donal? What do you need for equip? A lot of people have used stuff as you know..

You were psyched about this tank!?

Start selling some of those great pics as prints, I'll buy one if I can afford it. Don't give up yet.
Well,the thing is, I have the money to finish this tank.

But I need it for other things like car insurance, driving lessons, my new camera. I wont really have the time to set up the tank for numerous months even if I get all the equip. I think I will start up in the hobby again when I get out of highschool. Your right, Maybe I will keep the tank and just sell all the other equip.
Well,the thing is, I have the money to finish this tank.

But I need it for other things like car insurance, driving lessons, my new camera. I wont really have the time to set up the tank for numerous months even if I get all the equip. I think I will start up in the hobby again when I get out of highschool. Your right, Maybe I will keep the tank and just sell all the other equip.

dont sell anything. sponge off your parents like your supposed to do. save your stuff and somewhere along the way you'll have a turn key system to set up. Like I said, you can always sell it.

by the way - High School - I'd get banned if I said what I wanted to say ;) good luck, your a good kid.
And thats the other thing Kevin,

Im buying the new camera because that Is the line of work I will be doing when I get out of highschool to pay in part for college. Once Im in college I might be enthused enough to start up the tank... But im not shure If I will have the time or the room.

I need the money to buy a new camera, lenses, printer, etc...

I have an OK camera now, but it is not just sufficient enough.

I think I will just sell all of my equipment excluding the tank. It really hurts to have to stop doing what I love. I really wish I could do both, but its just not going to happen.
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I agree with Yaktop..... put it in storage, at least when you decide to start up later you'll have what you need.

Good luck.... sorry to see ya leave.

I only have 2 years left of highschool, What would be the point in setting up this tank, and then tearing it down as soon as I go to college.

I think I may end up selling it all, it kills me that I have to do this.
wait. I thought I made a stupid decision investing 4 grand of my highschool money into DJ gear, now but it has earned me about $15,000 over the past few years. Do what you love and it will make you happy. If photography makes you happy, invest. But choose wisely. I know I am addicted to reefing.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're losing your enthusiasm for reefing! However, I do understand. I used to have a 55-gal FO tank when I lived at home and my brother burnt down the house! I lost over $400 worth of fish that the home insurance wouldn't cover (since it doesn't fall under pets or furniture).
I sold off all equipment and hadn't started up again for 20 years.
Then I restarted with a 10 gal nano, then a 30 gal reef, now I have 2 10 gal nano's (one sps, one zoas), a 30 gal softie tank, and a 29 gal reef-ready with custom Gustavo-special refugium about to be set up - any day now.
Just my opinion, and from my experience, if you have something special (like equipment) that you suspect you may use/reuse in the near future, DON'T sell it - store it for a while. If after 6 months you are still undesided, then I'd recomend selling - just not this soon after losing your enthusiasm. Give it some more time before getting rid of your specialized equipment.
Bummer you feel you need to get out, but I can't blame you. Honestly it impresses the heck out of me that any highschool kid could keep up with a reeftank (time and money wise).

All I can say is if you gotta do it you gotta do it, but even if you sell everything else, keep that custom gustavo tank in storage. That one item will be the thing that reminds you to come back when the time is right.

Hey, if nothing else you can just hang around in the lounge for the next couple of yrs and show off your sweet pictures :)
Good luck Donal! I don't blame you one bit, you are coming into a very busy part of your life. You're going to have a lot of important decisions coming up and don't need the extra burden of a reef tank. Plus, you have a long life ahead of you to pick it back up if you want. Reef keeping procedures and equipment only get better and easier as the years progress so, IMO, I would sell most of everything (except maybe the tank). If you hold onto skimmers, pumps, or lighting for too long, you may not get as much for them.
Couldn't have said it better Steve. School, social life, and work only gets more busy for the next few years.

By the way, anyone looking for an undergravel filter circa 1980, from the first time I tore down my tank and kept the equipment, I've got one for sale cheap!
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Besides the fact, who wants their college friends pouring beer into the tank when then are drunk :eek:.

Good luck.
Keep the reefing stuff, it will come in handy later.
As far as the photography goes, I can show you good examples of both Nikon and Canon gear to play with and get a feel for what you might want.

If your having money and time issues now. Wait until you have a girlfriend :)

I'm not trying to get you to sell your stuff but Steve is right. Get as much as you can for the stuff now because who knows what we will be using down the road.
You probably are making a very good but hard choice. You are going to be so busy with school. If you get the desire you can always set up a little nano in your dorm room. I agree that this hobby changes so much that if you hold on to your equipment and later try to sell it you will not get as much for it. I cleaned out my basement last Oct. and threw out all kinds of stuff that no one uses any more. Good luck with school and photography. Hope to see you post pictures from time to time.
If you have made the decision already to put it down for a while & are absolutely comfortable with it I agree with most here! As far as the equipment, sell it off. Think of how much advancement has been made in reef equipment in the past few years. This will most likely continue. By the time you set up again most of the equipment would probably be outdated. As far as the custom tank I have seen in the " O' the possibilities thread " ?Wrap it in bubble wrap & plastic wrap. Hang on to that one.
Good luck as I am sure you will make the right choice for you. :)
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