Max livestock?


What is the max number of fish/critters combined I can have? I'm at my fish limit already but wondering about maybe adding a fire shrimp.

I have a 50 gallon cube with the following:

Ocellaris Clownfish male
Ocellaris Clownfish female
Yellow watchman goby
Green Mandarin
Tang (temporary)
Flasher wrasse

Cleaner shrimp
Randall's Pistol shrimp

Hermit crabs
Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
Red Leg Hermit Crabs
Emerald Crabs
Blue Porcelain crabs
Red Porcelain crabs
Brittle Starfish
Serpeant Starfish
Nassarius Snails
Cerith Snails
Turbo Snails

Corals -
Toadstool Mushroom Leather
Green Candy Cane
Red Candy Cap
Blue Mushroom
And a few others but I don't know their names lol

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I never had a fire shrimp and cleaner shrimp together so I don't know how they will get along. But I would say one shrimp is not going to tip the scale in your tank. Go for it!
i have a fire shrimp and cleaner shrimp same tank for a few years never had any issues with them .but with ur tank just about hitting 2 months old i would slow it down and let that tank mature .u are gonna be seeing alot come and go in the next few months as it matures
Thanks guys! Sounds like a green light. I'm thinking this will be my final add. You're right about taking it slow. Patience is key in this hobby for sure

Other than a fire shrimp, any other recommendations on interesting critters? Fire shrimp caught my attention because of their vibrant red color. It Really stands out nicely

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I agree the shrimp won't tip the scales there, but you are approaching the max.

Fire shrimp are definitely cool. Although the one I put in would always hide in the rock work. Maybe come out once a week to eat. I kept thinking he died but would it eventually pop out to steal a bite. That was until I added a mystery wrasse. Haven't seen him since. :(
Dam that's a lot of stuff in a 2mo 50G I just got my first fighting conch for my clean up,crew. These guys do,a great job on the sand bed along with the nassarius to me I think he is pretty cool and a great housekeeper

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Looks cool. I have come to think that a tang is almost a necessity. The eat so much algae that I would not have a tank without one. The Kole tangs are cool, but try to keep one permanently.

Also, mandarin's are tricky. There is a lot out there that says they need a constant food supply. Literature suggests you need lots of places for pods to grow and multiply, e.g. rockwork. Wrasses in general eat pods too and are constantly hunting also, which could limit the pods population.
I feel the exact same way about tangs. Before having one I was dealing with a hair algae problem. It was basically gone in a few days as he devoured it and kept it in check. Unfortunately I had to get rid of him for now as he was bullying my wrasse. I'll be getting a new one soon and introduce him last to avoid that problem again lol. I can only have one temporarily as it will most likely outgrow my tank in a year or so and then I'll have to get a smaller one

As for the mandarin, I tackled the pod problem in three ways: I got a captive bread mandarin that is said to eat frozen, I started introducing pods before getting him and I also have been ordering pods bi weekly (eventually I'll reduce to once a month). So far so good! He's a tiny chub :)

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