meeting special Hikari Brand Products 3 for 9.00

What is the size of the mysis? Is it the cubes or flat, just wondering but I will take 4 eather way
I'll take:
  1. (1)Bio-Pure Mysis Shrimp
  2. (1)Bio-Pure Mega-Marine
  3. (1)Bio-Pure Squid
for $9.00
I'll take
2x pure mysis
2x pure mega marine
2x pure mega marine algea
total 6 packs for $18.00
I wanted to post earlier but there is a mistake , the group buy on this is pickup only starting next thursday. I wasn't told that we got the group buy until I read this. our order was already put in so it will start next Thursday prices are the same sorry for the inconvience but all are welcome to post if they are interested it will run for 3 weeks please confirm here if any of the above is still valid .
Sorry i must have switch up some things trying to get everything in line for the meeting, (looks like i can't make it :( )
do you want to run this for the next meeting as well?
I can p/u the week of the 21-25 sometime (on vaca that week) and if there is anyone around this area that wants some picked up just let me know, if that is ok to pick up that week? It will also give me a chance to check out the store :)