Mixing Station Barrel cleaning ?


I had been looking for 55 gallon barrels for a mixing station build and found some at a local recycling company that were used for Grapeseed oil, still a little in the bottom of each.
Planning on rinsing with vinegar and if that does not seem to do the trick then a bleach soak and good rinse, the oil seems real thin so thinking vinegar will be enough.

Any experience cleaning food oils from a barrel. I also need to cut opening in the top as they only have poor out spouts and can't scrub or put in bulkheads through that opening.

Any do's, dont's or tips on turning these in to viable mixing station containers appreciated.

Also these will be in the cellar and toying with the idea of plumbing in my overflow from the DT into the barrels with a t and valves to alternate barrels they would then overflow into a sump and then pumped back up to the DT. This way I would be adding 40-50 gallons of volume to my system and a water change would be as simple as creating fresh mix in the unused barrel and flipping the valves to overflow into the fresh barrel.
I would install a bottom drain to pump out the old water to prepare for the next change. I like the idea of the added volume but concerned with the barrel having tank water flowing through them they may need to be washed out in between switches. also lots of valves to make that work right and with my tank from above flowing in concerned with the probablity of error and possible flooding..
I don't know still need to sketch it all out.
yes i use 3 of those myself, and had to clean them, with vinegar, a power head and a couple of days made them sparkle.
thanks for the confirmation that they will be ok, I always second guess myself after doing something like this.
I forgot what I paid for mine, but I know the 65gal white with a two screw off holes were approx 30 each from someone on these forums.
they were 15 a piece. they had 3 left on Saturday it's a recycling place on mohawk dr in Leominster ma