moving tank into a new house


I am buying a home at the end of the month. I don't know how to move my aquarium safely. I have a 46 gallon bowfront with lots of live rock, some fish and other critters. Does anyone have any Ideas to help everyone survive the move??

Rubbermaid totes with lids. Put everything in those and empty the tank. Save a bunch of water too. Last thing to go and first thing to set up in the new house.
Where are you moving to and from, if you're not too far I'll offer to help as I've done this a few times and on a much larger scale. Also, can you go straight from one house to the other or is ther a period you need to store the stuff? How far is the drive?
get a second tank set up at the new the live stock in the new tank while ur setting up the old tank
Rubbermaid totes with lids. Put everything in those and empty the tank. Save a bunch of water too. Last thing to go and first thing to set up in the new house.

Might want to bag the livestock in strong plastic bags so nothing bounces into something that will damage it. If you can get into the new house before the move, I'd make up some water (better yet, move some old water after a water change) and store it in a barrel with a heater and a powerhead. When I moved I used totes as holding tanks with heat and circulation until I could get the new tank set up. It was a long day, but I didn't lose anything.
I didn't move my tank but replaced one..I used the rubbermaid totes. I had one for each in my tank, one for fish, a couple for water & rock (they get heavy) and how ever many for water. Having extra is not a bad thing...just in case. And like APISTOBORELLI said last thing out first thing in..unless of course you can get in the new house early.
I just recently moved into a new house myself and used a bunch of totes with lids. I did make sure that i had a made as much saltwater as i could at the new house so i could use it for filling the tank and doing some water changes on the totes as they acted as storage for a day or so until everything was set up.
thanks for all the info. I will only be moving about a half mile away so the transit tme won't be a problem. I wish I could afford to get another tank and set it up for awhile first.

Thanks anyway Kevin but I live in Saugus and you live in Canton
i moved my 46 gallon bow front about 4 years ago..i moved about a mile. it was a piece of cake. totes or a lot of 5 gallon buckets are fine too. i would recommend not trying to move it the same day you are moving all of your other stuff that way you will have time and if something goes wrong you will be able to devote your day to correcting any problems that might occur. also i would make maybe 20 extra gallons of salt water up the day before just to have in case....good luck i am sure you will be fine