My "Girlfriend is out of town, time for a new tank" special.


Just a few teaser pics while I get things prepped before I head off for Vacation. More build progress will be made after Feb 1 when I get back.


Yup, that is Manzanita Driftwood. I'm leaning towards making a coldwater biotope based around New England harbor type parameters (haha, Boston harbor parameters, I'd need to dose a baby diaper once a month...)

Rocky shore, drift wood, lots of scavengers, I've got some ideas for the driftwood and "live rock"
Still debating whether side-lighting will work like I want it to, I can also adjust the shelves and make more vertical room if need be, but I want this tank to just be BAM in the middle of my bookshelf, not a bookshelf made into a fishtank stand...

Removing the RIM



Dull blades need not apply. Also, get ready to hear a sound that resembled grinding glass. I've seen people do this up to 10g AGA, but personally I'm reinforcing the silicone on this 2.5 and wouldn't really want to do more than 5.5g.


Rim almost completely off, I had initially planned on making the tank rimless on top and bottom, but decided to just drop the top rim after examining the bottom of the tank, it gives quite a bit of structural support on the bottom, so that part is staying.

Gonna have a lot of cleaning to do. After the bulk of the silicone is off, Rubbing Alc. and really sharp blades are all that is working for me. Took them out of the Box Cutter and went at about a 45 degree angle for maximum pressure.


WET TEST! Decided to go with really hot water to help get off the Rubbing Alc, and also to exploit any expansionary tendency where I'd been over ambitious with the razorblade...


Looking good, now it unfortunately gets to sit dry while I'm away.
Looks good..... I didn't think you could remove the top rim without causing a problem.....Where did you get that drift wood? Would be great for a seahorse tank!
Removing the rim is certainly against recommendations by the manufacturer.

I've seen it done successfully online up to 10g AGA, so I am taking a calculated risk with the 2.5g pico i'm setting up, but I have reinforced the silicone seams and will not be operating the tank a level that is higher than the pre-existing ring was.

The Manzanita was a great find at Skiptons, they have several other nice peices, and if anyone is interested in setting up their own pico tank, they also have some 5 and 10 lb substrate bags when I checked last, certainly saved me shipping to pick them up.

I'm still playing with the design in sketch-up. I'm trying desperately to maximize on an uncluttered appearance, so pendant light, no visible powerheads or heaters, and minimal rock formations, just clean open branches and rubble for filtration.

Going to spend some serious time on the beach during vacation thinking about how to make my tidepool work best :) im confused is this going to be a cold water tank????????......and if so wont that tank sweat???????
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