New Fish suggestions


I am sad to report that I lost my one spot foxface yesterday. Not really sure what happened. I walked by the tank and saw him/her stuck to my mini carpet. I think he was too big and strong to get caught by the small anemone if something didn't happen. He was the first fish I added to my 125g so it was pretty sad to see. Anyway, there is now definitely a fish void that will need filled. He was fairly large and was a big part of the tank. I am likely going to get another foxface, but wanted to get everyones opinion. There is a medium size yellow and Kole tang as well as a cherub pygmy angelfish already in the tank. Everyone got along fine, but I am worried adding a more timid fish like the foxface may get picked on. The other idea I thought about was a flame angel since they can be a somewhat aggressive and should be able to hold it's own. However, I am not sure I like the idea of adding another small angel with the cherub. Any other ideas or suggestions?


Fish generally leave Foxface/Rabbitfish alone due to their venomous spines. I would use an acclimation box of course, but I think you should be fine to add another.

Trying to add a second dwarf angel is completely hit or miss. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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