newbie trying to learn.. 56gal colunm


Hello all. I was referred here by friends- Daniel and Kelly (MrX and MrsX)

I bought my son a 10gal tank for his 10th birthday. It reminded me of how much I enjoyed having a fish tank when I was a kid.
My kids are fascinated by he saltwater fish and the show "tanked" so I figured I'd give SW a try. I found a 56gal corner-flo tank on CL with stand and wet/dry filter, live rock and sand and went for it.

Now it is set up in my LR...
It currently has 3 chromis, a lawnmower blennie, and some CUC.
It has lousy lighting, so not ready to start corals. I aslo know that it needs to be set up for awhile first...
I have a ton to learn.

... and then a co-worker offered me a 90gal tank. Standard, not drilled....
Hubby said go for it, so I will be picking that up, but now I also need to learn about overflow boxes, and maybe using my 29gal as a sump/refugium?
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And the obsession has begun! Barely got the first tank running and already upgrading. ;)

Glad to see the account issue has been resolved!
I can see how it could quickly turn into an obsession. There are so many cool fish, especially tangs, that require a large 100+ gallon tank.

Still trying to figure out what to put in my 56gal column. That DT is in my Living room, so I would like it to be pretty interesting. The kids want a pair of occelaris clowns. so that would bring my stock list to:
3 blue green chromis
1 lawnmower blenny
2 occ clowns
assorted CUC

Not sure what else to put in there...
As for the 90gal- it will go in the basement. I think I could do alot with it, but will need some eqipment, and some time....
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I started with 94 cube after 8 months i had a 300 gallon because i love the tangs and want them to have room.