Peppermint Shrimp Eating Acans


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BRS Member
I have three peppermint shrimp in our nano reef who have otherwise been well behaved (no eating of corals so far).

I added a small three headed Acan Lord frag two months which had been thriving and has budded 4 small new heads.

The tissue on the Acan has been receding the last few days and I staked out the tank last night and caught one of the peppermints eating the Acan in the middle of the night. I scared him off but have no way to guard against this long term.

I fed the Acans yesterday, but before noon and lights out in the tank is 10pm, I wouldn't think there was any food left on the Acans. Any ideas how to prevent this? Do I need to get rid of the Peppermints? Should I reduce the number of them or make sure they're better fed?
This is not the first time I have heard this. I personally never had this issue in the past, and both Peppermint shrimp I had died in the past 6 months when I raised my Mag.

If it was me, I would remove what ever is eating/destroying any of my corals. $6 Peppermint shrimp is not worth some of my $300+ Acans and/or corals I have in the tank.

Good luck man
I've had the exact same issue. The shrimp pick at the acans to get any food they've trapped and learn it's an easy meal. I got rid of the peppermints and have not had an issue since.
Get rid of the peppermint shrimps. It is not worth the headache and the loss of your Acans. IMO there is not way to stop him/them now that they have discovered a easy food source. Spare yourself the headache.
Wondering if I had the same issue. I have about ten at one point and any acan I had would look good for a couple days and them be dead. Nothing else looked bad and saw them on the frags. Love acans but have been nervous trying them again. Think I will now that my peppermints are gone.
Thanks for the advice, guys.

I'm going to try to build an Acan shark cage today.

Any advice for capturing peppermints without taking apart the entire rock work?
My peppermints come out when I feed the tank live brine shrimp. Put nets in tank a while before you feed, less of a scare factor.
I broke the Acan colony off where I had mounted it on a live rock and moved it into a small acryllic isolate tank (shark tank!) within the aquarium.

The three adult heads have all been picked on and remain recessed :-/ However, there are three juvenile heads (~ 3-4mm) that look puffy and healthy and two juvenile heads (~ 1mm). I'm holding out hope the un-eaten heads will grow into a healthy colony and maybe the others will recover.