Peppermint shrimp pooled order? Or any sponsor can match price?


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
BRS Sponsor
BRS Member
I use Peppermint shrimps in place of hermits and it works well for me.
Last time I order a bunch peppermint shrimps from Reeftopia and they were small. BUT, they lives and grow fast.
I want to order more for my system, at least 50 of them for myself.
Reeftopia's lot price is $1.90 each for a order of 50.
I want to make free delivery at $125 or even better, if we hit $200, there is a 10% off.
So it will make it $1.71 each shrimp with free overnight delivery.

Reeftopia also carry other nice stuff and I have been buying cleanup crews from they for over 8 years. they do take care of people very nicely.

I am planning to order next week if we have enough for free shipping.

Please PM me if you want to join in this pool order.

If any local sponsor can match their price, I will like to buy local.
Great, you can add anything from Reeftopia for this shipment.
I will just buy from their website and there is no speacial deal with them. thanks
Great! I will place the order on Monday. Please PM me or post here if anyone wants to join. Cash upon pickup will be great, no need to paypal in advance.
How many can I put in my 20" cube without looking ridiculous? Whatever it is, Ill take them, and Id love to come by and pick up some frags Dong! Let me know!
I think you can put 6 to 10 of them in a 20 inch cube. I will order a dozen for you. If you don't want that many, I will take whatever is left.
Pooled order placed, Delivery is Wednesday morning. Thanks
Great! Can I come by Thursday night?

And thank you!
Sorry that Wednesday pickup is a must. Once they are release in the tank, it is impossible to catch them again.
Also, since we made $200 , there is a 10% discount too.
I work all day Wednesday until about midnight.. Sorry for the inconvenience but the earliest I would be able to come is Thursday PM
once they are in the tank, I can not catch them any more.
However, if there is enough interest, I can do another pooled order. Need to get $125 for free shipping