Pond/query question


Does anyone have any suggestions on airating a quarry? Are bubblers more effective than fountains? Are certain fish beneficial?
I just got started myself a couple weeks ago so I am following for any answers/thoughts.
It will depend on the size of the bubbler/fountain. I think fountains are nicer in a pond/quarry. You can also buy aerating plants for ponds. Koi is the common fish, but you can also use goldfish. If you keep them over the winter, you have to provide air and make sure it doesn't completely freeze over so the gases can escape. One of your biggest problems will be birds. Once they discover you have fish, they are relentless. If your quarry is not too big, you can buy netting or construct wire over the top to keep the birds out. Good luck.
Friends of mine host bought it. It’s about 28 ft deep and pretty big. I’ll post pics tomorrow. Sure would make a nice swimming hole.