Priming T4?



The pump for my closed loop is a T4. It has water in the line supplying it, but when I start it there is no water flow. I read the manual and it talks about needing to be primed? How do I do this? I see no way to prime it and it is hooked up to my closed loop so I have no idea how to do it. Thanks for your help.
If the tank is full and any valve(s) attached to the closed loop are open the pump should be primed?

Water flows to the lowest point, is the pump lower or at least even with the hight of the intake?
You need to take a power head and "blow" some water into the tube from the tank. Depending on how long the hose is from the pump to the tank will depend on how long you fill the tube. Once this is done then turn the pump on. If not enough water then the pump will not work, try more water. I had the same problem with mine the first time...PM me if any questions
I will give that a shot with my Mag18. That should take care of business. Thanks for the help!
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