Quarantine for fish.


Nothing to nobody
Looks like my kole tang has ick and some type of black discoloration on it, it isn't eating as well and is ruggin on rocks. Is it time to Quarantine him and treat it for the ick and whatever the black stuff is?

If so, how and what do you recommend I do? What should I treat with?


How big is the kole? How long has he been in your tank?

I'm sure there will be differing opinions on this, but if he's been in your tank for more than a week, then I'd think that moving him to a hospital tank won't protect your other fish from infection. They'll either be strong enough to fight it off, or they'll get ich, but I don't think removing the tang will make a difference to them.

As far as the tang goes, I'd say he's better off in the main tank. Get some cleaner shrimp if you don't have them. Feed Garlic and selcon with your veggie-rich feed, and keep a close eye on him and water conditions.

I'd also get a good picture of the black stuff on him, and post it here and in the fish disease forum at RC so you can make another decision about how to fight that, and whether hospital tank treatment is necessary for that part.

I would qt him. Though it depends how easy it will be to catch him. If it takes more than 5-10mins of chasing him to catch him then it won't be worth it. Longer than 10 mins. he will be exhausted and stressed making his immune sytem less virulent. If you do decide to qt him give him a freshwater bath. This may be the only treatment needed. If you decide to feed him antibiotic foods make sure you feed it to him for at least 14 days for it to be effective. And as always never put any treatment what so ever in the main tank.
The suggestion of cleaners is a great idea. A cleaner shrimp will pick the parasites,and dead skin off leaving the fish less likely to be prone to disease. Good luck!

Nate...about a month... no other fish are affected at all... but i want to get him better. im going to feed more veggie type foods....have some soaking in garlic right now...
Casey - Did you QT him before you put him in the tank? Was there any major change in the tank that could have brought this on - change in temp, salinity, etc? Now that one fish has it, it's in your tank. IMO, you only have two options: remove all the fish to QT for 6 weeks, or leave them in there and treat with garlic & selcon to help them fight it off. Obviously the first option is the most difficult but the safest. With this option, you'll kill off the ich, but you might kill the fish at the same time trying to get them out of the tank. The second option is less effective - you won't kill the ich so you'll risk getting it back in the future - but you may save the fish in the short-term. Personally, I wouldn't risk trying to catch them all. I would leave them in the tank, feed them a lot of healthy/garlic/selcon food, and hope for the best.
good advice...no didn't qt before adding :( I looked it over fairly well...but thats no excuse. I think im going to add some cleaners and try option #2...no major changes...everything is automated so really water parameters have been stable and normal. I tested a few mins ago just to make sure...only thing I can think of is tanks been about a degree warmer then its ever seen cause of the warmer days... but even then its only 82. So I doublt that is it.
Do you have a thermometer that records the highest and lowest temperature, so you know what temp the tank is during the day when you're not there? I think this is an invaluable feature, and could prevent a lot of tank mishaps that occur because people don't realize there tank is overheating during the hottest part of the day when they're not home.

yes...im up late usually so my light cycle is actually evening rather then when im not here...might as well be lit when im around to see it...its not on in the morning...temp peaks at about 5pm...