Removing Acrylic Glue


Reefer In Training
I just finished gluing my panels for my D.S.R and I noticed that some of the glue is on the front panel. Is there a product that I could us to remove it?
Nope, no easy answer.

Is it on the outside of a seam, or right in the middle of a viewing pane? I assume you mean a little WO#16 stringy or blob? Can you post a pic?

I think the only thing you can do is to use a scratch removal kit and essentially sand it off and then spend forever and a day polishing until it looks good.
As John said, there isn't much you can do other than sand and polish. Weld on is a solvent, not a glue. It chemically bonds the pieces together.
I still havent got my laptop back and Im kinda stuck using my phone so I can look online I doesnt have an app smart phone so no pictures sorry. and yes the glue on the front panel, in between the overflow area and the bubble trap so its a tight spot. and I dont know the name of the glue that plactic's unlimited uses? but its said to dry in 15 mins and cure in 1 hr I dont know if the helps and one.
Could always go the other way and make a nice design of say Nemo:D
Its funny you say that cause I was thinking of placing some kind of design on it I have a dremel with a in graving kit I just need a good picture to trace over.
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